Molly Gene One Whoaman Band — Folk, Blues, and Booze

It seems like the last couple of posts have veered to a more acoustic kick lately. It’s time to get out of that rut (though there certainly isn’t anything wrong with acoustic guitars.) This week, we’re gonna focus on some drrrrrty women’s blues. And today we’re gonna start with Molly Gene.

And her stylish boots.

I’m not reviewing the album here, because I haven’t listened to it (though her previous album is available on Spotify.) I listened to “Country Lover” and “Smells Like Low Tide” and I thought, “What. Is. This?”
Really, it’s what would happen if riot grrl and the Delta blues conceived of a bastard child after a whisky-sodden night. (I’ll tell you more about one of their legitimate children on Friday.) “Kings and Queens” is much less raucous and, in my opinion, exhibits Molly Gene’s range as a writer and a singer. Enjoy!
After some amazing advice from Von (Americana Rock Mix) I’ve tried to keep my posts short and sweet. Do you think I’ve been able to do that without giving Ms. Gene short shrift? Let a blogger know!